- jose AP garbo gasol andrea? 华丽的欧洲全明星首发...
- "She is very unhappy, and-and that sort of thing, " Jose urged. 乔斯怂恿地说:"她可怜得很呢,还有-还有许多其他倒霉的事情。
- EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. (AP) -- Pau Gasol was a winner in his Lakers debut, without even much help from Kobe Bryant. 新泽西东卢瑟福德--保罗·加索尔并没有得到科比太多的帮助,他在湖人的初次亮相便获得了成功。
- Andrea didn't expect to see Steve on the street. 安卓雅没料到会在街上看到史提夫。
- ALICANTE, Spain (AP) - Los Angeles Lakers center Pau Gasol will play for Spain in September in the European Basketball Championship. 阿利坎特(西班牙东南部一个港市),西班牙(AP)--洛杉矶湖人队的中锋保罗.;加索尔将率西班牙队出战9月份的欧洲篮球锦标赛。
- He would become known as “the man who shot Garbo. 他因为给嘉宝拍摄而名声鹊起。
- What was the secret of Greta Garbo? 嘉宝到底有何神秘之处?
- Every RCS on one AP has a mate RCS on its pair AP. AP 上的每个 RCS 在其配对 AP 上都有一个配对 RCS。
- Off screen, Garbo barely spoke English. 银幕外,嘉宝很少说英语。
- She repeated the gist of the AP bulletin. 她把美联社电讯的要点又讲了一遍。
- MGM had found Garbo’s identity. 米高梅发现了嘉宝的独特之处。
- Andrea assumed his gayest manner. 安德烈拿出他最高兴的态度。
- He congratulated Jose on his discovery. 他祝贺约瑟夫的发现。
- An AP is characterized as online or offline. 在线或离线也可以作为刻画 AP 的特征。
- On the floor, on the fourth floor,@ answered Jose. “四楼地板上,”约瑟夫答道。
- Andrea felt his heart leap with joy. 安德烈觉得他的心因欢喜而狂跳着。
- The meters show your HP, MP, and "AP". 在四处奔走的时候,你将随机遇敌,进行战斗。
- Both Gasol and Bryant sat out the fourth quarter. 在第四节科比和加索尔都坐在了场边。
- Andrea visibly changed countenance. 安德烈脸上顿然失色。
- Jose: Every day can find new things of you. 每天都有新的发现。